It’s the annual ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ Trivia Quiz

As the Christmas holiday season is here, it’s time for the annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” column, courtesy of Bob Haenel and Denise Adams.

Years ago, Bob first wrote a column with trivia questions from the movie, and it was a huge hit. Although Bob’s retired from the newspaper business, we’re keeping the IAWL trivia column going.

The movie stars Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, a man who never seems to get what he wants. When he thinks things would be better if he’d never been born, his guardian angel steps in and shows him what life would be like if he’d never been here.

Some movies stand the test of time while others don’t fare as well. IAWL has a few cringy stereotypes from the time, women stayed at home, housekeepers were Black women and none of the women wear pants or trousers.

But the lessons taught in this movie are what make it a true classic. The characters get to your heart, starting with George Bailey, the star of IAWL.

One of George Bailey’s best traits is his ability to see the potential in people. In Violet, he doesn’t see the town floozie – he sees a good person and he supports her in her quest to better herself.

Mr. Martini was an immigrant to this county, but George saw he could be a profitable businessman. He also saw that Ernie Bishop, the cab driver, would be successful member of society if he had a decent roof over his head. George believed that of all people.

When it opened, the movie was unsuccessful at the box office, and it slowly faded from memory. For 30 years, IAWL languished on the movie studio’s shelf until its copyright expired.

Cable television mogul Ted Turner discovered the now-free movie and played it non-stop on his new television station where it became a Christmas classic. Today, IAWL is considered one of the greatest films of all time.

So without further ado, here’s our annual IAWL column – good luck! Answers are at the bottom. No fair Googling the answers – see how many you can get right from memory.

  1. The movie is about a man named George Bailey. What’s George’s father’s name and his younger brother’s name?
  2. All outstanding movies have a bad guy. Who’s the bad guy in IAWL? Extra points if you know the initials of his middle name.
  3. Who told Mr. Potter he was a “warped, frustrated old man?”
  4. Who told George Bailey “I’ll love you till the day I die.”
  5. George lost his hearing in one ear. What happened and in which ear was George deaf?
  6. What song did Mary and George sing together after they fell in the high school swimming pool?
  7. What’s the name of George’s first employer? Hint – he also bought George a suitcase to travel the world.
  8. What is Uncle Billy’s phone number?
  9. George has a favorite bar in the movie. The name of the “joint” changes. What are the two names?
  10. George has some good friends in this movie. What’s the name of his friend who says “hee-haw?”
  11. Later in the movie, one of George’s friends sends a telegram and promises George something. What is it?
  12. Uncle Billy has two pet animals in the movie. What are they?
  13. What did young Violet buy in the drugstore?
  14. What’s the name of the house George and Mary buy? Bonus point if you know the address.
  15. What is the name of the bank examiner? Bonus point if you know what city he wanted to visit for Christmas.

Enjoy your holidays and may the spirit of George Bailey live in your hearts year round!


This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 







  1. Peter Bailey is the father, Harry Bailey is George’s younger brother
  2. Henry F. Potter.
  3. George Bailey
  4. Mary Hatch, later known as Mary Bailey
  5. He saved his brother Harry from drowning. George was deaf in his left ear.
  6. “Buffalo Gals.”
  7. Emil Gower
  8. Bedford 247
  9. First it’s Martini’s. In George’s fantasy, it’s Nick’s Bar.
  10. Sam Wainwright
  11. Sam Wainwright promises to lend George up to $20,000
  12. Crow and squirrel
  13. Shoelaces, a flavor of licorice
  14. The Old Granville house, 320 Sycamore Street
  15. Carter. He wants to go to Elmira.


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