Resolutions for 2022? Nah.

Hopefully all the holiday gifts have been opened and the leftovers are gone. It’s time to start a new year, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a safer and calmer 2022.

This past year started off rocky – protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol in what had to be the most surreal event we’ve ever witnessed.

The coronavirus was raging, there were fist fights in the grocery store over those who refused to wear a mask and those who demanded everyone wear one.

The name “Karen” moved from evoking memories of the popular singer Karen Carpenter to a vile woman who screams at other people to get her way.

Senseless shootings. Domestic violence. Conspiracy theories. The news went from bad to worse.

But by the time summer rolled around, coronavirus cases were on the decline and people started to return to a somewhat normal way of life.

Trick or treaters lined the streets, people gathered for Thanksgiving meals and Christmas shopping was at an all-time high.

We were hungry for more than turkey and dressing. We were hungry for human contact, especially the smiles and hugs we’d taken for granted.

Not anymore.

We know to treasure every family get together, every opportunity to hug someone else and every chance to experience life with other people.

We also know there’s no real “normal” anymore. So, let’s make some different goals for 2022.

Choose the one or two you like and pass on the others. If we’ve learned anything from the past two years, it’s that we need to enjoy life as it comes along. To wait is to potentially miss out.

  • Have a piece of pie. In fact, indulge in a fine piece of chocolate, a cupcake or something not on the diet at least once a month.
  • Plant something. Even if you’re in an apartment or a rental, pick up a pot and a small green plant and watch it grow on the patio or in the kitchen window.
  • Get out of a rut. That could be a music rut – there are thousands of artists online you can listen to for free. You might think you don’t enjoy country or alternative music but give an artist a try. Try a new hair style. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.
  • Take a different way home from work or school. I took a side road home a few weeks ago and was able to see a spectacular sunset without cars or buildings in the way. I wouldn’t have seen that on the congested road I normally use.
  • Donate something. Clean out part of your closet, empty out a crafts cabinet or go through your books. There are dozens of places happy to accept what you no longer need. Common Threads, Helping Hands and Katy Christian Ministries come to mind.
  • Support local businesses and restaurants. You know what you’re getting every time you order from a chain, but nothing beats the scrumptious surprises from a mom-and-pop diner.
  • Stop judging those who wear a mask or those who don’t. Be tolerant of those who are hesitant to get back into the general population.
  • Give thanks. Despite all the turmoil in the world, the sadness so many of us have in our lives and the tough road so many of us walk, there’s always something to be thankful for, even if it’s simply rolling out of bed in the morning. Happy New Year!

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 


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Clarence Oddbody ASII was right — it is a wonderful life

For over 10 years, Herald readers have tested their skills on what former managing editor Bob Haenel and columnist Denise Adams consider the best movie ever made, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

The movie is about George Bailey, a man who doesn’t realize the positive impact he’s had on the town and people of Bedford Falls.

George wanted to go to college, build skyscrapers and travel the world. Instead, circumstances caused him to stay in a “crummy little town,” believing he was denied the opportunity to achieve his dreams.

Bob said George was a plain guy, one we can relate to, especially the feeling like we’ve been cheated out of our dreams. When we’re young, we have grandiose thoughts of what we’ll achieve. Life often has different plans, and it’s often difficult to see the silver lining in the cloudy sky.

The good guy wins, Bob pointed out, even though we all wish Potter would’ve been arrested for stealing the money. In the end, George learned a lot about what really counts in life, the most important lesson from Clarence: “no man is a failure who has friends.”

“This still rings true,” Bob said. “What’s important are relationships.”

Nobody understands that creed more than Bob. He told reporters we were here for the “little guy.” He’d take a happy birthday call as easily as one from the mayor. Like Peter Bailey, Bob believes everyone counts and small favors add up to a pretty wonderful life.

So here is Bob’s annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” Christmas quiz. We’ve divided the quiz into two parts – a relatively easy one and a harder one for the die-hard fans of IAWL.

The answers to both are at the bottom of this column. Merry Christmas and remember, an ordinary life can be extraordinary.

It’s up to us to pay attention.


Quiz Part I:


  1. How does George know he’s alive again?
  2. What animal has the same IQ as Clarence?
  3. How much money did Uncle Billy lose?
  4. When George sees what life was like without him, what was his mother doing?
  5. What does Uncle Billy use to remember things?
  6. What magazine does George show Mary at Mr. Gower’s ice cream parlor?
  7. What did Mr. Gower’s son, Robert, die of?
  8. What dance contest were George and Mary entered in at the gym?
  9. What drawing does Mary have on an easel when George comes over?
  10. What three items do Mary and George give to the Martini’s for their new home?
  11. Who directed the movie?
  12. George couldn’t hear out of one ear. Which one?


Answers to Quiz I:

  1. He finds Zuzu’s petals in his pocket and it’s snowing again.
  2. A rabbit
  3. $8,000
  4. Running “Ma Bailey’s Boarding House”
  5. He’d tie a string to his finger.
  6. National Geographic
  7. Influenza
  8. The Charleston
  9. “George lassos the moon”
  10. Bread – so you’ll never know hunger, salt so your life will have flavor, and wine for joy and prosperity forever
  11. Frank Capra
  12. Left ear


Quiz – Part II


  1. What was George’s draft classification and why?
  2. What was Janie playing on the piano to get ready for the Christmas party?
  3. What was the name of the Bedford Falls newspaper?
  4. George puts the petals to Zuzu’s flower in his pocket. What kind of flower was it?
  5. What was Clarence’s full name and rank?
  6. What did Clarence order at Martini’s bar?
  7. Uncle Billy had lots of pets. Name two.
  8. What does Violet order in Mr. Gower’s soda shop?
  9. What do the boys form to save Harry from drowning?
  10. What kind of factory does Ruth’s father own?
  11. What does George tell Uncle Billy the three most exciting sounds in the world are?
  12. Three events stopped George from leaving Bedford Falls? Name one.


Bonus:  What are the names of the two people who work for the Bailey Savings & Loan?








Answers to Quiz II:

  1. 4F because he couldn’t hear out of one ear
  2. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
  3. The Bedford Falls Sentinel
  4. A rose
  5. Clarence Oddbody AS2 (Angel Second Class)
  6. Mulled wine
  7. Owl, hamster, dog, parakeet, squirrel, crow
  8. Shoelaces – 2 cents’ worth
  9. A chain gang
  10. A glass factory
  11. Anchor chains, plane motors and train whistles
  12. His father died, Harry takes a job in Buffalo, the stock market crashes


Bonus answer:  Cousins Eustace and Tilly. The address is 320 Sycamore


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“Snoopin’ Under The Christmas Tree” should be my holiday song

For those who celebrate Christmas, opening presents is at the top of the list of fun holiday activities. I’ve always been a nosy person, and not knowing what was underneath the tree was agonizing for me.

I was a pro at snooping. I’d shake the boxes and feel all over the fronts and sides, trying to figure out what was inside.

I would gently peel the tape off, carefully pull off the paper, look at what was inside and then rewrap the gift.

There weren’t any surprises for me, but my curiosity was stronger than my willingness to be shocked.

My dad knew I was a world-class snoop. One year, he came in with a wrapped box for my Mom and put it under the tree.

“What’s in there?” I asked, always the nosy kid.

“A coffee maker,” he replied. “If your mom asks what’s in there, go ahead and tell her.”

I was thrilled he’d told me but a little sad as I couldn’t snoop and find out for myself. Mom came in later that day, saw the box and smiled.

“I wonder what’s in here,” she said as she touched the big box.

“It’s a coffee maker,” I blurted out.

Her face fell. I’d taken away the surprise, and I felt a little guilty.

“Dad said if you asked, I could tell,” I said, trying to explain.

When Mom opened the box on Christmas, a stereo was inside. My face fell.

“You said it was a coffee maker,” I said to my dad. He laughed.

“I knew you couldn’t resist telling her, so I didn’t tell you the truth,” he replied, and I knew he was right.

My husband and I still laugh over our eldest boy’s Christmas list when he was in the first grade. There were three items on the 7-year-old’s list:  a checking account, a money tree and a pony.

Let’s just say Santa didn’t deliver on any of those items.

Even though I’m good at figuring out what’s in the boxes, I’m not the best at gift-giving. I agonize over what to give everyone, usually striking out.

The shirts I buy are either too small or too big, not the right style or not what our boys want. My inability to choose well caused my middle son to take action. He emails me a detailed list of what he wants for Christmas.

One year, his list was divided into two categories:  What to buy and what not to buy. I still remember what was underneath the “do-not-buy” banner:  pajama pants, sweat pants with elastic cuffs and dress clothes – “you have bad taste.”

Underneath the “what-to-buy” headline were the direct links to the items he wanted, including the correct size and color. In all honesty, that’s the best list I ever get because I know he’ll like everything.

On the other hand, the gifts he gives us are spot on. He gave me a small space heater one year, and I use it daily when winter arrives. One year, he gave me a Kindle reader, and I use that on every trip we go on.

Same goes for the Blue-Tooth speaker he gave me. It stayed in the box for almost a year because I didn’t know what it was. Our youngest son saw the box and couldn’t believe I wasn’t using the speaker.

Now, I use it all the time, and thank Stephen for being such a good gift giver.

Our oldest has forgiven me for not planting a money tree in the back yard, and his gifts are always what I need and love – a leg massager I use every other day tops the list.

I’ll be making the last of the Christmas run this week, and I’m going to try and find the perfect gift that’s not what they expect to receive.

A snoop can always hope.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald.  

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Oh how I miss Southern directions

Technology is fantastic. In a matter of seconds, we can find out how to unclog a sink, build a house and power wash an elephant.

One of the best technology advances is Google Maps. With a few clicks, we can find our way to the most out-of-the-way places without getting lost or frustrated.

There are times, however, I miss getting verbal directions from a person, especially Southerners.

Former Fort Bend Herald editor Bob Haenel always gave me accurate, country-slanted, directions.

When I first started the job, I had an interview in Needville. I’d never been there, so I asked Bob how to get to this particular address.

He told me to head south on Highway 36 until I saw the Needville city limits sign.

“Then turn left at the light,” he said.

“Which light?” I asked.

“The light,” he replied.

He was right.

Here’s another Haenel direction. I asked him for how to get to a place out in the country, and he thought for a second.

He grabbed a piece of paper and started sketching out a map. As he drew, he told me stories about the houses and people I’d pass on the way.

Google Maps will send me past stores that sponsor the site, but nothing can compete with directions that are complete with family and town histories.

My husband and I speak two different languages when it comes to directions. He uses words like “north and south, eastern corner and parallel.” I use phrases like “across from the grocery store, next to that car dealership and the place with the ugly paint job.”

Right after my dad passed away, I was driving to College Station with my youngest son. I was lost in sadness and suddenly realized I didn’t know where I was. My husband was out in the woods, but I called him anyway.

“I’m lost and I need you to tell me where I am,” I said. Even now, I’m embarrassed that I expected him to know where I was a hundred miles away from him.

He must’ve sensed how upset I was because he calmly asked me to describe what I was seeing and the turns I’d made.

“Just keep driving because I think you’re on the right road,” he said. “I won’t hang up until you see a sign.”

In a couple of miles, I saw the sign for College Station and breathed a sigh of relief. There’s no way Google Maps is that understanding.

Years ago, my son bought me one of the first GPS devices manufactured, a TomTom GPS. That little invention was great until I’d decide to take a different route.

“Recalculating route,” Tom would state in that robot voice.

I’d keep driving, unable to turn it off, and Tom would repeat “recalculating.” After the third time of recalculating, I swear I heard him sigh.

Ole Tom went a little too far one time, and I threw him in the trunk so I wouldn’t have to hear him yelling “recalculating.”

Luckily, the new GPS apps reroute without giving you the obnoxious reminder that you turned the wrong way. They seem to understand you’ve changed your mind and are polite enough not to point out you’re not following the correct directions.

I’m still a bit skeptical about the GPS. Last month, I was going to a retiree dinner in north Houston, and Google Maps sent me an hour out of the way. I didn’t feel stupid as two other people said Google had done the same thing to them.

Every once in a while, I’ll get out a paper map so I can keep my map reading skills sharp. I figure it’s a lost art, much like churning butter.

There’s a feeling of power knowing where I’m going because I figured out how to get there.


This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 

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‘Tis better to praise than humiliate

Whenever the Hebert clan gets together, family “remember-when” stories always come up.

I’m guilty of telling stories I think are funny but are often embarrassing to my brothers and sisters.

On a recent Zoom call, one of my siblings joked I had “revisionist history” recall. I was telling a story that didn’t put him in the best light, even though he was only 7 years old when it happened.

I thought a lot about that comment and made myself a promise. From now on, my nieces and nephews, siblings and in-laws will hear stories that spotlight the goodness in our family.

I’ll tell them how their eldest uncle was one of the most respected members on his high school football team despite being one of the smaller players.

He worked his way through dental school with a young family, built a thriving practice and is in the top tier of his profession. He volunteers at his church and is a tireless helper in the community.

Another brother was one of the top geologists in his office before retiring. He taught himself how to play the guitar, and sings and writes beautiful music when he’s not sharing his faith on the radio waves.

Our middle sister had a reputation for taking care of bullies for all of us when we were kids. She still does that but through civic organizations and as the extremely capable person who handles benefits for her company.

For years, her and her husband’s comfortable home has been open to all who need shelter and a home-cooked meal. They are two of the most respected people in their town and in our family.

The little 7-year-old boy grew into a teenager who stepped in as a male role model when my oldest son was a toddler. Whenever I was scared to stay by myself, he came over, often sleeping on the couch, just to keep me company. He fixed my car and did my home repairs when I was a single mom, and he did all that without complaining.

He handles adversity with grace and is admired by his three beautiful daughters, sons-in-law and adorable grandchildren.

One of the stories I told about our youngest sister is when she was 4 years old and my mom wouldn’t make her compete in a beauty pageant because she was shy. My sister would’ve won that contest hands down.

What I need to tell is how she always helps kids be the best they can be, from her own to the hundreds of pre-schoolers she taught to the high-school teens she encourages to find their way in a grown-up world. She’s strong, active in the community and could still win a beauty contest.

Not only is our youngest brother an outstanding and gifted artist, he’s an incredible story-teller with an iron-clad memory about most things, but especially comics. His Nerdmudgeon podcast about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is entertaining and intelligent.

He is a gifted writer and can dance better than John Travolta. He’s compassionate with a quick, sharp, witty sense of humor.

My siblings listen without judging, love without limits and are respected in their families, their fields of work and their communities.

When I tell family stories from now on, I will concentrate on making sure our cousins, nieces and nephews hear the positive accounts. Those endearing tales far outnumber the embarrassing ones.

I’ve learned it’s much better to praise than humiliate. The heart and head thrive when nurtured with love.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 

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