Dear Santa… how about one afternoon, just one afternoon?


Christmas is tomorrow and, like most people, I’m scrambling, making sure I’ve purchased and wrapped gifts for everyone, the turkey’s defrosted and there’s eggnog in the fridge.

I’ve been blessed with good health, a wonderful family and more than enough of what I need. But since Santa’s a magical guy who promises to deliver things we want, not necessarily what we need, here’s my pie-in-the-sky Christmas list…

A convertible.Yes, Santa, I know this wish is totally impractical. There wouldn’t be room for the four car seats I need for my grandchildren. I also need plenty of space for my briefcase, camera bag, over-sized purse and boxes of books on CD from the library.

But to cruise along a back country road in a sleek convertible, the top down, the wind blowing through my hair and the Beach Boys blaring, what a wonderful ride that would be.

A cruise. I’ve never been on a cruise. In fact, I’ve been on very few boats in my life. But imagining a week with unlimited delicious food, having my bed turned down every night and visiting exotic locations would be a dream come true.

However, my stomach is unreliable and, thanks to a bout with salmonella years ago, unfamiliar foods send my stomach into orbit. I’m afraid a week on the open seas would do the same.  

So Santa, if you could send me on a cruise where I wouldn’t have to deal with anti-sea-sickness patches all over my back, I’d be a happy camper.

A trampoline. An odd Christmas list, Santa, but I don’t want a trampoline because I have four young grandchildren.

I want a trampoline for me. I’d love to jump up and down, do flips and let loose much like any 7-year-old child does when presented with something to jump on. You’d have to include courage and a neck brace for me to carry out these acrobatics, but to fly through the air would be worth the risk.

Courage. Much like the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz,” I’d love the audacity to stand up to bullies, slay the wicked witches of this world and protect my loved ones with a snarl and an intimidating style.

I did have the courage to stand up to the con man at a recent street festival who charged $5 to throw a dart at a balloon and then gave children a plastic water pistol.

When a short, obviously angry woman stands in front of your tent and says at the top of her voice “how do you live with yourself ripping off little children?” and demands her money back, I guess I’ve got buried courage.

Which, come to think of it, so did the Cowardly Lion.

An afternoon. This is probably the hardest item on my Christmas list, Santa. I’d like an afternoon to spend with my dad.

He’s been gone for over 13 years now, and there’s so many things still left to say. I want to tell him all about my grandchildren and thank him for being a magical “Pops” to my children.

I want to ask his advice about how to grow older without ever having to grow up. I want to smell his Old Spice aftershave one more time and let myself get swallowed up in a bear hug that only dads can give to their daughters.

And then, just maybe, I’d have the courage to take my dad’s hand and jump on the trampoline with him. And that, dear Santa, is my Christmas wish list for 2014.

To all those who have a pie-in-the-sky Christmas list, may all your wishes come true and may Santa deliver everything your heart desires.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald.

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