Words to the Young

My goddaughter graduated from high school this month. I wrote her a letter in my weekly column, published by The Fort Bend Herald. Here it is:

The big day has finally arrived, your graduation from high school. As the adults in your life arrive at the ceremony, they’ll look at you, pinch your cheek and say “Where did the time go?”

The time went into making you what you are today, my dear niece — a bright, intelligent young woman with a compassionate heart and a beautiful soul.

As you celebrate this milestone, you’ll be receiving lots of advice.

And you’ll probably shrug off that advice, just as we all did at your age. We all believed we knew everything at the age of 18, but as your godmother, here’s a few morsels of advice that might come in handy.

First, stop and give thanks every day. There will be times when you’ll feel nothing is going your way. But always look for the silver linings in those gray clouds.

Throw a load of clothes in the washer and dryer every other day. Tossing them in a pile in the corner seems easy, but when you’re lugging dirty clothes to the washateria, you’ll be happy if you wash molehills instead of mountains.

Make a new friend every week. While the friends you know now are treasures, life is filled with interesting people who’ll give you a glimpse into worlds unknown. Remember, though, to carefully choose which friends to keep and which acquaintances to avoid.

Keep your word. Whether it’s doing your fair share in a study group or paying back the dollar you borrowed from your roommate, you’ll be judged by your willingness to honor your commitments.

Be thrifty. Granted, as a young adult in this world, you’re forced to count your pennies, but make it a life-long habit to watch your money and spend it wisely. Unless, of course, you’re at the local ice cream shop. Then go for the banana split. Life, as they say, is short.

Watch children play. Children on a playground remind us to take turns, hang upside down and, when you’re on the swings, to reach for the sky.

Work hard. Yes, that’s a trite saying from the adults in your life, but it’s true. On the flip side, when your work is finished, find a way to relax and have fun. You’ll need to recharge your batteries and you can’t do that if your nose is always buried in a textbook.

Laugh out loud at least twice a day. If you look for the humor in life, you’ll find those chuckles.

Show up. Whether it’s attending class, going to work or hanging out with friends, if you say you’ll be some place, be there, especially when you don’t feel like it. The old saying that showing up is half the battle is true.

Travel. See this fabulously huge world, my dear niece. Cross the horizon from time to time and see how others live, work, laugh and eat.

Make memories. Whether it’s spending quiet time with friends or walking the unfamiliar streets of a big city, experience enough of life so that in the barren moments, you can close your eyes and remember the beauty you discovered because you were an active participant in life, not a nonchalant passenger.

Forgive, both the people in your life and yourself. You’re going to make mistakes, but use those blunders as learning experiences. People will let you down from time to time. Forgive them and don’t let anger run your life.

Life is a splendid ride.

Enjoy every minute.

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Why read this?

It’s been two years since I’ve posted anything on this blog. I had to blow the virtual dust off the site and wonder about all the changes that have happened over the past two years. I did visit Taiwan, and it was beautiful. I finished my third year as a teacher, and it was a great year with great students. We have a beautiful granddaughter and we’ve moved to a new, smaller house. I’m very, very blessed.

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Here it is, the middle of the summer, and it’s flying by. Pretty soon, school will be starting back up, and I’m not sure that’s where I want to be at this point in my life. I went back to school to earn my bachelor’s degree and teach, and I did it for a year. However, it was the most draining and most haggard year of my life. But I’m going to give it one more year and not think about the time I’m missing doing what I love — spending time with family, traveling, interviewing people and writing. I’m hoping this year will be better because most of the teens are really eager to learn, and the staff and faculty are wonderful. I’ve got something to look forward to — I’m going to Taiwan to visit my eldest boy and spend 10 days with him. Should be a trip to remember for the rest of my life. Those opportunities do not come along very often, and I’m going to drink it up!

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Winding Down

It’s hard to believe I’ve almost finished teaching my first year. It’s even harder to believe that at the age of 52, I’ve embarked on a new career. Although the career change didn’t start out as a wanted choice, it has evolved into a good thing. I suppose that’s how much of life transpires — what we think is the worst can actually turn out to be a learning experience, and one that’s not too unpleasant. I’m still trying out this “blog” thing, so we’ll see how it goes.

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First Posting

I just created a blog, believe it or not. I’m a 50-something year old writer from Texas who’s embarked on a second (or probably fourth or fifth) career as a high school journalism teacher. I’m not quite sure what I’d post here, but it’s nice to have somewhere to post thoughts, musings and questions abut the world.

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