Belay on and belay off… finding fun

Belay on and belay off.

Those were the words going through my head when we were standing at the indoor climbing gym, Momentum, over in Katy this week.

With 98-degree days and the African dust storm making allergies worse, we decided to search for some fun indoor activities with the grandchildren.

We found a Groupon for Momentum and off we went. This was my first time to use a Groupon, so I wasn’t sure how to access the discount. I handed my phone to an expert, the teenager working the front desk, and he had us ready to go in less than 5 minutes.

The inside of Momentum is amazing. Towering rock climbing walls line the spacious gym, and there were sinewy climbers calmly making their way hand-hold by hand-hold from the floor to the ceiling.

A children’s area had heavy-duty harnesses for the youngsters to safely climb, and our 4-year-old grandson had no problem getting to the top and then bouncing down the wall, only to repeat the process about 100 times.

I loved seeing young women climbing the walls, their toned shoulders and arms taking them to the top. We made sure to point out the climbers to our grandchildren, reminding them there’s no limit to the heights they can reach if they put their minds, arms and legs to work and not stop until they reach their goal.

Our kiddos did not disappoint. They climbed every wall they could at least five times, and their confidence and climbing skills improved with every ascent up a wall. We left with the kids sweaty and smiling.

To combine a physical activity with one that strengthens resolve isn’t easy, but it was a great way to get our visit with the grandchildren cranked into overdrive.

Video games are fun and tough to put down, but they can’t compare to watching children climb to the top of the monkey bars, learn how to swing by themselves or, in the case of our 3-1/2-year-old grandson, finally earn the right to wear big-boy underwear.

But that’s just the first half of the summer. We still have a list of activities to conquer, and most won’t break the bank.

On the “avoid-the-heat” bucket list is a trip to one of the air-conditioned Fort Bend County Libraries for the always fun and free Story Time and live-action performances, a little shopping in Rosenberg now that the roads aren’t as tricky to maneuver and the Sweet Shop in Fulshear for some summer sugar highs.

Their dad purchased season passes to Typhoon Texas, so we have water rides and fun within 20 minutes of our house. There’s no shortage of sno-cone stands in the area, so we know we’ll have no problem finding blueberry, watermelon or Tiger’s Blood sno-cones when we need to cool off.

If the budget and time cooperate, there’s the educational and fun Fort Bend Children’s Discovery Center in Sugar Land, the step-back-in-time Rosenberg Railroad Museum and fountains, walking trails and restaurants galore.

For rainy days, we’ve got plenty of coloring books, finger paints and board games to keep us busy. Connect 4 is as much fun for them as it was for their dad and uncles, and nothing beats a Popsicle or slice of cold watermelon under the fan on the back porch, even on the hottest of days.

I’m sure there’s plenty of activities we haven’t discovered yet, and I’m still searching. One thing I’ve learned – we don’t need to leave Fort Bend County, or even our back yard, to make some fun summer memories. All we need are four ready-to-roll grandchildren and a fun-lovin’ pirate’s attitude.

Let the adventures continue.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 

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