Look Back… And Remember

I wrote this for a dear friend who’s relocating from the area.

Looking back,
We often yearn for what’s left behind.
Friends. Family. Familiarity.

Even now, these people and events shape us,
Mold how we think, how we ponder and how we feel.
Our life lens is chiseled because of where we’ve been,

But it is the present that defines who we are.

So live.
Experience the moment.
Taste the sea and feel the wind lift your wings.
Look forward to the sunrises and savor the sunsets.

As you look ahead,
You’ll see a foreign course — cloudy and vague.
Ambiguity. Anticipation. Acceptance.

As you travel that new path,
Gather the memories you’ve made.
And add new friends, new experiences and new challenges.

But, every once in a while,
Look back and smile.

Remember from whence you came.
Thankful for where you are.
Hopeful for where you’re going.

– July, 2010

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