Christmas might be over, but it’s always a wonderful life – take the quiz

Although Christmas Day has come and gone, some of us believe the spirit of giving is one that should last all year. There’s no need to try and hurry the holidays.

Besides, with all the effort involved with decorating the house, hanging lights and cooking and baking desserts. Plus there’s all that time involved in buying and wrapping gifts. For all that work, we should take a few days to savor the holiday for as long as we can.

That’s a nice way to tell our readers that the annual Bob Haenel “It’s a Wonderful Life” quiz column has arrived, although a few days late.

It’s a tradition in this newspaper to run Bob’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” quiz, and we didn’t want readers to be disappointed. Both Bob and I count IAWL among our top five movies of all time, and no Christmas goes by without our watching the film at least once.

In the movie, George Bailey learns that “no man is a failure who has friends.” Bob and I have been colleagues and friends for over 25 years. What we know for sure is echoed in this movie. Life’s journey is filled with sadness and hardship.

It’s also filled with joy, love, friends and family. As we head into a new year, Bob and Denise and Rick and I hope you always remember, just as George Bailey learned:  all in all, it’s a wonderful life.


The quiz is in two parts. The first section is for those who’ve seen the movie a couple of times. The second part is for those who can recite the dialogue by heart. Answers are at the bottom of each section. Good luck and happy new year!

  1. In which ear did George Bailey lose his hearing and how did it happen?
  2. What does George use to make a wish for a million dollars?
  3. What is Clarence’s full name and rank?
  4. What’s the name of the cab driver in IAWL?
  5. What’s the name of the policeman in IAWL?
  6. Who owned the drugstore in Bedford Falls?
  7. What book did Clarence carry with him?
  8. What was the name of Mary’s older brother?
  9. What did Mr. Gower’s son die from?
  10. What was Mr. Gower’s son’s name?
  11. What classification was George during WWII?
  12. What song was Janie practicing for the party?
  13. At the beginning of the movie, why can’t Clarence see what’s happening on Earth?
  14. What was Clarence’s occupation when he was alive?


  1. Left ear. George saved his brother, Harry, from drowning.
  2. A cigar lighter in Mr. Gower’s drug store and soda shop.
  3. Clarence Odbody, Angel Second Class
  4. Bert (cab driver)
  5. Ernie (policeman)
  6. Gower
  7. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
  8. Marty
  9. Robert
  10. 4F
  11. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
  12. He hasn’t gotten his wings yet
  13. Clockmaker
  1. It’s easy to Google the answers to the following hard questions but see if you can get them without the aid of the internet.
  1. What time did the Savings and Loan close on Black Friday?
  2. What is the address of George and Mary’s house?
  3. Besides the children, what else did George and Mary take with them in the car to the Martini’s new house?
  4. How many years of employment was the contract Mr. Potter offered George?
  5. How much money was the Savings and Loan short at the beginning of the movie?
  6. How much money did George and Mary receive for their honeymoon?
  7. How much money did Uncle Billy misplace?
  8. What was ZuZu’s teacher’s name?
  9. What movie was playing at the theater in Bedford Falls after George had his experience with Clarence
  10. George wears two hats in the movie. One when he’s young and one when he’s a man. Name the style of those hats.
  11. What kind of sundae did a young Mary Bailey order at the drugstore? Did she want coconut on top?
  12. At the school dance, Harry was chairman of what committee?
  13. Who was Violet’s partner in the Charleston dance competition?
  14. What was one of Sam’s nicknames for George?
  15. How much time did Clarence have to get ready to meet with George?
  16. How long has Clarence been waiting to get his wings?
  17. In George’s real life, what was the name of the bar in Bedford Falls?

The hard answers:

  1. 6 p.m.
  2. 320 Sycamore Street
  3. A goat
  4. Three years
  5. $5,000
  6. $2,000
  7. $8,000
  8. Welch
  9. “The Bells of St. Mary”
  10. Cub Scout cap when he’s a young boy and a Fedora when he’s a man
  11. No.
  12. The Eats Committee
  13. Sam Wainwright
  14. “Ole Mossback George”
  15. One hour
  16. 200 years
  17. Martini’s – bonus – it was Nick’s during the time when George saw what life was like without him.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 

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