‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ – how well do you know this beloved movie?

Long-time readers of this newspaper will remember former managing editor Bob Haenel’s annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” column. Now that Bob’s retired, we decided to collaborate to continue testing our readers’ knowledge about Frank Capra’s 1946 classic.

First, some background on “IAWL.”

“IAWL” takes place on Christmas Eve in Bedford Falls. The central character is George Baily, played by the legendary Jimmy Stewart.

George is a man who’s always done what he had to do, not what he wanted to do which was travel, see the world and build skyscrapers. Donna Reed plays his wife, Mary, who’s loved George since she was a little girl.

There’s Uncle Billy, a forgetful relative who helps manage the family business, the Bailey Savings and Loan. Then there’s Mr. Potter, the meanest and richest man in Bedford Falls. Money is lost, George loses hope, and a would-be angel comes to show George what life would be like if he’d never been born.

When the movie first came out, it wasn’t successful. Not until Ted Turner bought the rights to the long-forgotten film in 1986 and showed it non-stop on his new cable channel, TNT, did the movie become a beloved holiday classic.

This movie is more than a film about a miracle taking place on Christmas Eve. The frustrations and driving forces still ring true.

George Bailey is many of us – stuck in a job because we have obligations, dreaming of places we’d love to visit but know we’ll never get to and not having enough money to give our family all the material things they want.

This movie is one of Bob’s favorites and mine. His wife, Denise, and I believe Bob is George Bailey. He helped so many of us at the newspaper as well as people in the community. I doubt Bob knows just how loved he is in this area.

The moral of the story is one George learns. Someone who has friends is the richest person around. Bob and I hope you give “It’s a Wonderful Life” a chance and, remember… every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.

Here’s the annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” quiz. Answers are at the bottom.  Good luck!

  1. In which ear did George Baily lose his hearing?
  2. What was George’s father’s name?
  3. How much money did Uncle Billy misplace?
  4. What’s the name and rank of George’s guardian angel?
  5. What did Clarence do for a living when he was alive?
  6. What’s the name of the police officer and taxi driver in Bedford Falls?
  7. What’s the name of the druggist that George worked for as a young boy?
  8. What are the names of George and Mary’s children?
  9. What character’s trademark line is “hee-haw?”
  10. How did George know he was alive?
  11. What medal was Harry awarded?
  12. There were two owners of the bar – one in real life and one in George’s view of life without him. Who are they?
  13. What dance contest did George and Mary enter at the high school dance?
  14. What does George put on Mary’s sundae?
  15. Name at least two people who worked at the Bailey Building and Loan













  1. Left
  2. Peter Bailey
  3. $8,000
  4. Clarence Oddbody, Angel, Second Class
  5. He was a clockmaker
  6. Bert and Ernie
  7. Gower
  8. Tommy, Janie, Pete
  9. Sam Wainwright
  10. He found ZuZu’s petals in his coat pocket and it started snowing again
  11. The Congressional Medal of Honor
  12. Martini and Nick
  13. The Charleston
  14. Coconut
  15. Peter Bailey, George Bailey, Eustus, Tilly and Uncle Billy
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