Clarence Oddbody ASII was right — it is a wonderful life

For over 10 years, Herald readers have tested their skills on what former managing editor Bob Haenel and columnist Denise Adams consider the best movie ever made, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

The movie is about George Bailey, a man who doesn’t realize the positive impact he’s had on the town and people of Bedford Falls.

George wanted to go to college, build skyscrapers and travel the world. Instead, circumstances caused him to stay in a “crummy little town,” believing he was denied the opportunity to achieve his dreams.

Bob said George was a plain guy, one we can relate to, especially the feeling like we’ve been cheated out of our dreams. When we’re young, we have grandiose thoughts of what we’ll achieve. Life often has different plans, and it’s often difficult to see the silver lining in the cloudy sky.

The good guy wins, Bob pointed out, even though we all wish Potter would’ve been arrested for stealing the money. In the end, George learned a lot about what really counts in life, the most important lesson from Clarence: “no man is a failure who has friends.”

“This still rings true,” Bob said. “What’s important are relationships.”

Nobody understands that creed more than Bob. He told reporters we were here for the “little guy.” He’d take a happy birthday call as easily as one from the mayor. Like Peter Bailey, Bob believes everyone counts and small favors add up to a pretty wonderful life.

So here is Bob’s annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” Christmas quiz. We’ve divided the quiz into two parts – a relatively easy one and a harder one for the die-hard fans of IAWL.

The answers to both are at the bottom of this column. Merry Christmas and remember, an ordinary life can be extraordinary.

It’s up to us to pay attention.


Quiz Part I:


  1. How does George know he’s alive again?
  2. What animal has the same IQ as Clarence?
  3. How much money did Uncle Billy lose?
  4. When George sees what life was like without him, what was his mother doing?
  5. What does Uncle Billy use to remember things?
  6. What magazine does George show Mary at Mr. Gower’s ice cream parlor?
  7. What did Mr. Gower’s son, Robert, die of?
  8. What dance contest were George and Mary entered in at the gym?
  9. What drawing does Mary have on an easel when George comes over?
  10. What three items do Mary and George give to the Martini’s for their new home?
  11. Who directed the movie?
  12. George couldn’t hear out of one ear. Which one?


Answers to Quiz I:

  1. He finds Zuzu’s petals in his pocket and it’s snowing again.
  2. A rabbit
  3. $8,000
  4. Running “Ma Bailey’s Boarding House”
  5. He’d tie a string to his finger.
  6. National Geographic
  7. Influenza
  8. The Charleston
  9. “George lassos the moon”
  10. Bread – so you’ll never know hunger, salt so your life will have flavor, and wine for joy and prosperity forever
  11. Frank Capra
  12. Left ear


Quiz – Part II


  1. What was George’s draft classification and why?
  2. What was Janie playing on the piano to get ready for the Christmas party?
  3. What was the name of the Bedford Falls newspaper?
  4. George puts the petals to Zuzu’s flower in his pocket. What kind of flower was it?
  5. What was Clarence’s full name and rank?
  6. What did Clarence order at Martini’s bar?
  7. Uncle Billy had lots of pets. Name two.
  8. What does Violet order in Mr. Gower’s soda shop?
  9. What do the boys form to save Harry from drowning?
  10. What kind of factory does Ruth’s father own?
  11. What does George tell Uncle Billy the three most exciting sounds in the world are?
  12. Three events stopped George from leaving Bedford Falls? Name one.


Bonus:  What are the names of the two people who work for the Bailey Savings & Loan?








Answers to Quiz II:

  1. 4F because he couldn’t hear out of one ear
  2. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
  3. The Bedford Falls Sentinel
  4. A rose
  5. Clarence Oddbody AS2 (Angel Second Class)
  6. Mulled wine
  7. Owl, hamster, dog, parakeet, squirrel, crow
  8. Shoelaces – 2 cents’ worth
  9. A chain gang
  10. A glass factory
  11. Anchor chains, plane motors and train whistles
  12. His father died, Harry takes a job in Buffalo, the stock market crashes


Bonus answer:  Cousins Eustace and Tilly. The address is 320 Sycamore


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