Spring Break 2021 – Pandemic Style

One year ago, we were slowly waking up to a new vocabulary and reality –face masks, social distancing and pandemic.

We’re still separated into the anti-maskers and the pro-maskers, those who will never take the vaccine and others driving an hour to an appointment where they can receive the vaccine.

Schools, however, have Spring Break on the calendar and no matter where you stand on the coronavirus debate, the kids will be school-free for an entire week.

Many are tired of staying home and looking at the same four walls. Others aren’t ready to venture out too far, so here’s some ideas to appeal to some and perhaps spark some interest in others.

Fun can be found within 50 miles of Fort Bend County, and most of these activities are right in our own backyards.

In no particular order, here’s some recommendations for Spring Break 2021:

 “The Berg:” Businesses have worked to make Rosenberg an up-to-date tourist destination.

The downtown neighborhood is filled with beautiful murals and quaint shops where the prices are right and choices plentiful.

Bargain and antique hunters are sure to find something in their price range.

Chain restaurants are reliable, but for a true adventure, take in one of Rosenberg’s home-grown eateries and listen for the train whistles. Save money, stay away from crowds and delight your taste buds.

Parks, like Seabourne Creek and the gorgeous Brazos Bend, offer adventures for bird watchers, families wishing to fly a kite, barbecue some hot dogs or kick around a soccer ball.

Eagle Lake:  If you want to stay away from crowds, consider a trip to Sealy and back home through Eagle Lake.

The easy drive north on Highway 36 to Sealy offers a first look at emerging wildflowers.

Stop at the railroad park in Sealy a few blocks away from the town’s square. Stretch your legs, stroll the square and head back home through Eagle Lake.

This tiny but beautiful city has lots to offer. There’s a museum and thrift store open during limited hours, and the Railroad Depot museum will be open the first weekend of Spring Break. History buffs will find the Masonic cemetery, established in 1872, a treasure trove of Texas’ past.

The big draw in Eagle Lake is the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge, home to this endangered species. If you love seeing a coastal prairie, the refuge is a beautiful spot.

Chances of seeing a chicken are slim, but chances of seeing some wildflowers are pretty good.

The visitor’s center is closed, but the restrooms are open. Best of all, the 20-minute driving tour is free. The center is open from sunrise to sunset. Driving time to Fort Bend County from Eagle Lake is 30 minutes.

Surfside:  There’s a free public beach but some spots require you to pay to park. Whatever you do, don’t park on the sand as you’ll get stuck.

Remember, since it is Spring Break, chances are this usually quiet spot will be filled with beach lovers aching to get away from memories of the recent arctic freeze. Driving time is an hour and a half.

Bellville:  There’s a nice town square here and a few barbecue places, but the biggest draw of all is Newman’s Castle. Step back in time in a real castle complete with a moat. Reservations are required, and admission is a little steep – $20 per person – but if it’s adventure you’re looking for, this is the place.

Finish off your medieval day with a treat from Newman’s Castle Bakery. The inside is nothing fancy but that doesn’t matter when munching on fresh kolaches and doughnuts. Newman’s has tables set up outside for those still cautious about inside dining. Driving time is one hour.

All of the cities in Fort Bend County have some historic or beautiful draw for all ages and interests, from the courthouse and beautiful gardens in the heart of Richmond, the boutique shopping and big-city feel of Sugar Land and the free playgrounds, restaurants and parks in our smaller cities.

Spring Break fun, even in a winding-down pandemic, can be found in your own back yard.


This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald. 

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