Goodbye, chocolate, my sweet, sweet friend

I had to bid farewell to a dear friend this week. This friend saw me through good times and sad times, celebrations and crying jags.

My dear friend did not judge or gossip behind my back. This friend was never too busy for me and listened when I needed to vent.

Chocolate, dear friend, I shall miss thee.

Over the years, I’ve noticed I’ve become more sensitive to foods and additives, especially caffeine.

Where I could once down a Coke at 10 p.m. and be fast asleep an hour later, now a cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning will have me wide awake at 1 a.m.

So a couple of years ago, I switched to all decaffeinated beverages. Although they quench my thirst, they’re still poor substitutes for an early morning caffeine zing.

I almost had to say good-bye to dairy foods. A few years ago, I noticed I had a tummy ache after drinking a glass of milk. Research indicated I might be lactose intolerant.

I’m intolerant about a lot of things – people who take up two parking spots, dogs left chained up in the back yard and drivers who text while driving – but good old-fashioned Vitamin D milk couldn’t be on the aggravation list.

So I decided to experiment. I filled a bowl with creamy Blue Bell milk chocolate ice cream, sat back and enjoyed every spoonful.

I had a cramping stomach ache for three days.

My sister-in-law told me about Lactaid. This magical pill, as it’s advertised on its Website, counteracts the effects of dairy products for people who react unpleasantly to milk, ice cream and cheese.

It took me two years to gather up the courage to fight that stomach ache again. But the lure of Blue Bell Triple Chocolate ice cream finally got to me, and I bought a box of the pills.

The manufacturer was right – it was magic, and I can now enjoy a bowl of ice cream without dreading the after effects.

Unfortunately, I might strike out when it comes to chocolate. Chocolate’s caffeine levels aren’t sky high, but they’re obviously enough to play havoc with my system, and that’s a sad state of affairs.

Chocolate, you see, has been my best friend since I was a young girl. My grandparents owned a five-and-dime store, and they had a candy counter near the front door.

The section was filled with all types of sweets – pink, yellow and white candy necklaces, licorice strips and bubble gum.

Those gummy candies were a distant second to the delicious, creamy taste of chocolate, and that love affair has sustained me for over 40 years.

And what a friend chocolate has been. It never asks me for money and doesn’t want to borrow my car. Those Hershey Kisses and Dove Milk Chocolate candies patiently waited for me in the back of my desk drawer until I reached for their help.

So after my last bout with insomnia, knowing full well chocolate was the culprit, it was with great reluctance I cleared out my secret stash of chocolate.

With tears in my eyes, I now walk past the candy counter at the grocery store, my old friends, Mars and Cadbury, wistfully calling my name as I reach for the spearmint Tic Tacs.

I’ve had quite a few satisfying relationships in my life, all with people, but the relationship I’ve had with chocolate stands tall and firm in its own right.

I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for a “live with chocolate” pill so my stalwart buddies, Nestle and Hershey, can take their rightful place in my desk drawer.

Goodbye, dear friend.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

This column was originally published in The Fort Bend Herald.

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