The Newspaper Life

For the past 12 years, I’ve been writing a weekly column for The Fort Bend Herald, a daily newspaper in Rosenberg, right outside of Houston. Working for a newspaper came naturally. My grandparents owned a newspaper in Bridge City, Texas, and my grandfather, Herbie, was a well respected editor in that town, always championing the working person, and my dad was the newspaper’s Linotype operator. My mom was the editor for the newspaper at the Exxon Plastics Plant in Baton Rouge, and my siblings are writers, artists and poets.

So the path was well laid for me. My family accepted my absences and late-nights at the computer, and my siblings pushed me to reach for the stars. My mom still posts my articles on the refrigerator, and my friends keep my spirits high. My fabulous editor at the Fort Bend Herald, Bob Haenel, encourages me when I’m discouraged and continues to persuade me to follow my dreams. I especially thank the Hartmans for allowing me to continue writing for them now that I’m a teacher.

People sometimes ask what’s my favorite part of being a reporter, and the answer is easy — people. Every person I’ve interviewed has left an impression on my soul, and it’s mostly to be thankful for what I have, grateful for opportunities and eager to greet each and every day. I stopped complaining about seeing the mess in my sons’ rooms after interviewing a mother who was blind. I stand when the American flag passes by, remembering the sacrifices the World War II, Korean, Vietnam and Iraqi vets I’ve interviewed gave so I could be free. Every person I interviewed reminded me that life is a gift and life, with all its flaws, is a wonderful, joyous journey.

Thank you for visiting here. I’ll do my best not to disappoint!

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